Steps to check the version in Google Play Store
- Open your Google Play Store app
- In the Search bar write Parents App and press Enter
- In the list with the search results, press on the Parents app
- Under the Uninstall/Open buttons, in the What’s New section, press on the arrow on the right to open the Details page - another info available under this sections is the date when the last version of the app was made available in the Store
- Scroll down until the end of the page
- Make a screenshot with the info displayed next to Version
- Open the App Store app
- In the Search bar write Parents App and press Enter
- In the list with the search results, press on the Parents app logo (not on the Open button) to visualize details about the app
- In the What’s New section you can see the current version of the app and the number of days since the last release of the app was made
- Make a screenshot with the info displayed
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